Medicinal Cannabis

Dispensing Service

Support Team


Online Shop

Practitioner and Patient Support Material

Ready to place an order?

Prescription medication, including medicinal cannabis can be ordered online. 

Welcome to
Online Health Pharmacy

We offer our patients extremely fast delivery options once their prescription has been processed.

We are an online dispensary – Family owned & operated

Online Health Pharmacy specialises in fulfilling online prescription orders, including that of medicinal cannabis.

We strive to provide the most streamlined service to patients Australia wide.

Our mission is to support our patients and deliver the best possible online pharmacy experience.

Andrew Snow

Andrew Snow

Founder of Online Health Pharmacy

Amazing prices!

Meet our team

Over 70 Years Combined Experience

Our team brings the service and experience to the online pharmacy world.

With the “know how” in areas such as medicinal cannabis and compounding our team delivers the special service and advice you require. 

Highly experienced!

We are able to dispense your medicinal cannabis prescription

We offer our patients extremely fast delivery options once their prescription has been processed.

Pharmacy Sydney
Medicinal Cannabis Sydney

Watch this video to find out about access to medicinal cannabis products for patients in Australia.

Medicinal Cannabis Access for Consumers

Start learning today!

Medicinal Cannabis Dispensing Service

Knowledgeable staff dispensing high volumes daily.

Australia Wide Shipping

Fast delivery options Australia wide to ensure your order arrives promptly and safely.

Compounded Medication

We offer cost effect compounding to fulfill your compounded medication prescriptions with a reasonable budget.